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5 Tips on End of School Year Planning

5 Tips on End of School Year Planning

End of School Year Planning
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You're almost at the end of the finish line, so make sure you finish strong to start the next school year off on the right foot!

End of School Year: Planning and Celebrating!

Taking photos for digital portfolio
Create a digital file of the school year's portfolio to save space
  • Tidy up the bookshelves. For kids in school, this means getting ready to throw out or file old homework, clean out backpacks, and toss (or pass down/trade-in) school uniforms or PE gear that doesn’t fit. How do they amass so much stuff each year? Seriously! They all do it. Teach kids to decide what is essential to keep, what they should hand down, and what is destined for the trash or recycle bin. Organizational skills are as valuable as math. By learning to organize our spaces and discard the unnecessary, kids can acquire great life skills. Equally important is a sense of history and what really matters for the future! For the homeschooled child, it is time to clear off the bookshelves. Clear out the old curriculum that is complete, pass on books that they outgrown, and decide which of the year’s treasured projects really should be kept and displayed. Don’t forget to list for resale all your old curriculum.
Organize, throw away, or donate old books, clothes, and old gear
  • Look back at what you have managed to accomplish. Be sure you have finished or almost finished all curriculum for the year if homeschooled. Sales are happening right now on the curriculum, so be sure to start planning next year’s studies! For traditionally schooled kids, do they need catch-up help after this rather interesting last year? Are there any areas that still need work or remediation? Plan on summer assistance, tutors, classes, and more now to ensure they are where they should be next year.
Gathering school year's work to create digital portfolio
Reflect on the year's accomplishments and plan for your students accordingly
  • Get a jump on next year’s planning. It’s not too soon to think about the coming year and what you will use for education. Jumping on next year may mean picking a new school, looking at summer camps to boost your academics and get ahead, or planning the upcoming year’s curriculum. Many curriculum companies run sales in late April, early May. Sign up for your favorite companies’ emails or watch for emails from Anything Academic for great deals. Make sure you sign up for our email list!
  • Contemplate your summer plan. More classes for year-round homeschoolers? Add an excellent summer class to get ahead? Life experiences, volunteering, and more to add on future college resumes? Or just really relaxing, fun, and fantastic camps?  Be sure to sit down and discuss what you and your child want out of the summer. Compromise on a little of both your wants. No, it’s not just video games all summer, but equally, it can’t be classes all summer too. Let them find a good balance and passion. Sink into a great book, relax with friends outside, or discover something new.
Visiting museums for summer field trips
Don't forget to include fun field trips in your end of school year planning!


No matter what lies ahead of you, take a moment to pause and reflect on all the accomplishments of a rough and very unique year. Not just for yourself, but for your kids. Despite the challenges, we all made it. We learned from it and discovered entirely new talents and skills along the way. Celebrate your accomplishments! Most importantly, make sure your kids realize this and that you admire what they have succeeded in this year!

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