Educational Apps, Gameschooling

Top Education Apps for Kids Interested in Medicine

Top Education Apps for Kids Interested in Medicine

kids and human body
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Is your child interested in the human body, medicine and more? There are amazing apps and resources here on Anything Academic that can help them explore and learn in a fun and exciting way!

Anything Academic is excited to partner with Fig and Wally to bring you some great resources to complement the amazing speakers you are hearing from. 

The human body is amazing and there are some great tools parents and teachers can use to help kids learn all about it. We tapped our founder who is also an ER Doctor for some of her favorite apps and resources when it comes to learning about anatomy. 

When you create a free profile on Anything Academic you can make your search as specific as you want. Want to find the best field trips to learn more about the human body? No problem. We can show you the ones closest to you right now. Anything Academic strives to be the one place you can go to find literally Anything Academic! 

Check out some of the apps and resources we selected below and then create a profile to see what other resources, enrichment boxes, student news sites, field trips, and more you can find to complement your study!

Apps and Resources

3D Brain

Use your touch screen to rotate and zoom around 29 interactive structures. Discover how each brain region functions, what happens when it is injured, and how it is involved in mental illness. Each detailed structure comes with information on functions, disorders, brain damage, case studies, and links to modern research.

The Human Body

Learn anatomy and biology in an interactive model of the human body — the heart beats, guts gurgle, lungs breathe, the skin feels, and eyes see.

The Human Body is No. 1 in Tinybop’s Explorer’s Library. Each Explorer’s Library app lets kids explore the invisible and awesome wonders of STEM. Kids (and kids at heart!) ages 4+ develop foundational science literacy.

BioBox Labs

A fun, science subscription box filled with everything needed to spark your child’s love of life science.

Authentic lab supplies, rather than toys, for 3-5 exciting experiments centered around the theme of the month. The first box comes with a microscope!

Perfect for ages 6+

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