
Homeschooling in the Winter: How to Keep Your Kids Motivated to Learn

Homeschooling in the Winter: How to Keep Your Kids Motivated to Learn

keep kids motivated in winter
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It’s that time of year again when the cold weather is relentless and homeschooling families begin to feel a little boxed in. When will the sun show up? When will it be warm enough again to do all the outdoor activities we want to do? We have been inside way too long, when will it end? How can we keep our kids motivated to learn during the winter months? Are these questions you keep asking yourself? It can be tough, we get it! In this article, we will discuss a few strategies that you can use to keep your kids on track during the winter.

Let’s get started!

Winter is a good time to encourage your children’s hobbies and passions

Encourage their hobbies and passions! If they’re into music, have them practice their instrument more during the winter months. If they love to read, make sure they continue reading books. By continuing to foster their interests, you’ll help keep them excited about learning not just academically, but in all areas of their lives. There isn’t a more enjoyable way to spend the winter than doing what you love with your beautiful family!

2) Get organized

Another way to help keep your kids motivated is to get organized. Plan for what you want to accomplish each month, and then create weekly and daily goals that will help you reach your monthly objectives. This level of organization will help reduce stress and provide a sense of routine during what can be an unpredictable time of year. This is also a good chance to speak to your children about what they really love learning about so you can focus on those topics in the upcoming year. Just ask yourself: How great will it be to check off all your homeschooling goals with a feeling of ease and accomplishment?

3) Take breaks throughout the day to keep everyone’s energy levels up

It’s also important to take breaks during the day, especially when it’s cold outside and you don’t want to leave the house. Breaks will help keep your kids mentally fresh and motivated to continue learning. You can take a break every hour or so, or plan one long break in the afternoon. During this break, you can do something fun as a family, or figure out an indoor exercise to get the blood flowing. Maybe jumping jacks to some of your child’s favorite music? The 90-minute rule has been found to be the optimum amount of time for a break in adults but in kids, this may be more like every 15 to 20 min. Work up to longer runs of work as your child needs. Younger children learn best with more frequent breaks. Instead of trying to repeatedly get them to focus, consider letting them work in short bursts! One of the best things about homeschooling is doing what works for your child! Kids with ADHD may need more frequent breaks as well.

4) Bring out the arts and crafts

Let your children have some fun by bringing out the arts and crafts. This can be an exciting way for them to use their imagination and creativity during the winter months. There are so many different projects you can do with your children, from painting and drawing to making snowflake ornaments. By engaging in these types of activities, you’ll help keep their minds active and creative when it is too cold to go outside!

5) Set up a designated learning space in your home

Another way to help your kids stay motivated is to set up a designated learning space in your home. This can be a particular room or even just a corner of the house. When your children have their own designated learning space, they will feel more inclined to use it and less likely to procrastinate. You can make this space as fun as you want — it’s up to you! And get them involved by asking what they want to be in their space. By doing this in the winter, you’ll be setting the stage for successful homeschooling all year.

A caveat to this one. For some kids and families, this is just not their thing. Before you spend a lot of money on a “study space” pay attention to your child. Do they learn best at a desk? The kitchen table? Or upside down on the couch? Do what works for them.

6) Supplement curriculum with online resources or field trips

What child doesn’t love a good field trip? If you’re feeling stuck on how to keep your kids motivated, consider supplementing your curriculum with online resources or field trips. Browse through Anything Academic to find a variety of educational materials, and there’s no shortage of museums and other attractions that offer discounted rates for homeschoolers. Plus, there are options for virtual field trips! By exploring new places and learning about new things, you’ll be helping to keep your kids excited about learning.

7) Celebrate accomplishments and milestones along the way

Make sure to celebrate accomplishments and milestones along the way. This can be anything from finishing a unit in the curriculum to learning a new skill. These moments should be celebrated with your children, as they will help keep them motivated throughout the year. You can do this by taking them out for a special treat or even just by telling them how proud you are of them. Some ways you can celebrate homeschooling milestones are:

  • Get to watch an hour of their favorite show
  • Celebrate with a special meal. (Have them help cook!)
  • Let them pick out a new book
  • Give them some extra spending money
  • Allow them to stay up an hour later than usual

8) Let your kids help you prepare meals or do chores for a sense of accomplishment

One way to help your kids stay motivated is to let them help you prepare meals or do chores for a sense of accomplishment. This can be a great way for them to learn about responsibility and teamwork. Not only will this give them a sense of accomplishment, but it will also teach them some valuable life skills. Plus, who doesn’t love homemade cookies or a clean house?

9) Get outside for some fresh air and sunshine occasionally

Even though it can get cold in the winter, it’s important to get outside for some fresh air occasionally. This will help your kids stay healthy both physically and mentally. By getting outside, they’ll also be able to enjoy the beauty of winter. Some fun things you can do outside in the winter are:

  • Go sledding or snowboarding
  • Build a snowman or a fort
  • Have a snowball fight
  • Take a walk in the park
  • Go ice skating
  • Learn about how snow is created
  • Learn why it starts to rain
  • Learn how a snowflake is created

10) Play extra educational games

The final way to keep your kids motivated is to play extra educational games. (Learn more about Gameschooling here) This can be anything from board games to video games. By playing these types of games, you’ll help reinforce the lessons they’re learning. Not only will this help keep them interested in learning, but it will also help them gain some important life skills.

Final thoughts

So, these are a few of the many ways that you can help keep your kids motivated to learn during the winter months. By using a combination of some, or all, of these strategies, you’ll be setting them up for a successful homeschooling year. Keep in mind that each child is different, so what works for one may not work for another. Be sure to experiment and find what works best for your family. And most importantly, have fun!

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