
A Homeschool Guide to Balancing Schedules and Maintaining Sanity

A Homeschool Guide to Balancing Schedules and Maintaining Sanity

Balancing homeschool
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Need to order more materials? Of course. Need to pick out a new activity for next week? Of course. Need to go get groceries this afternoon? Of course. Need to call your mom back? Of course.

Balancing a homeschool schedule while maintaining your sanity can be a difficult task. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day to get everything done! On top of that, you feel like you are always behind or struggling to keep up.

Sound familiar?

Don’t fret, you are not alone! In this article, we will discuss some tips on how to balance your homeschool schedule and maintain your sanity!

Establish a routine and stick to it as much as possible

By establishing a routine and sticking to it, you will be able to better plan your day. This will help reduce the amount of stress you feel each day. A routine does not have to be rigid, but try to stick to the same basic schedule each day. If you remain disciplined, you will be able to accomplish more!

One way you can increase the chances of sticking to your routine is by waking up at the same time each day and going to bed at the same time. This will help your body get into a routine and make it easier for you to stick to your schedule. Sleep is so important, so take it seriously, no matter how much you must get done!

A homeschool calendar is another great way to help balance your homeschool schedule. A calendar can be as simple or as detailed as you want it to be. By having a visual representation of what your day is going to look like, you will be able to plan and better manage your time. Let your calendar do the thinking for you and you will automatically feel more relaxed!

Allow for some flexibility, especially when things don’t go according to plan

Things won’t always go as planned, and that is OK! That is life. Even though we have just established the importance of sticking to a routine, it is important to allow for some flexibility. As homeschoolers, we know that things don’t always go according to plan. Unexpected events will happen and sometimes maybe we just need to take a day off from school. This is okay! Don’t feel guilty about taking a day off when you need it. Just be sure to make up the work later, which can be done no matter how much you think it can’t!

To allow for some flexibility, it is helpful to have a plan B. This means that you should have backup activities and lessons ready in case something comes up and you are unable to complete your original plans. By having a plan B, you will be less likely to stress out if something unexpected happens.

Get organized and create a filing system for all your paperwork

You have probably picked up on this by now, but organization is the key to not feeling overwhelmed when homeschooling. One way to organize your homeschool is by setting aside time each day for both schoolwork and downtime. Schoolwork should not take up the entire day (one of the perks of homeschooling), so be sure to set aside some breaks for you AND your children. During these breaks, allow for some unstructured playtime. This will help them and you to relax and recharge for the next round of schoolwork!

You will also feel less stressed if you stay organized. Consider creating a filing system for all your homeschool paperwork and save it for your portfolio. This will help you keep track of what you have completed along with what still needs to be done. It can also be helpful to create folders for each subject so you can easily find the information you need.

This organization can help you keep all you need to be up-to-date with your state homeschool laws.

Make use of online resources and homeschooling communities

Currently, there are many online resources and homeschooling communities available to help homeschoolers. These resources can be a great help in balancing your homeschool schedule. Online forums are a great place to ask questions and get advice from other homeschoolers. There are also online curriculums that you can use that can be helpful if you need to adjust your homeschool schedule.

Want some even better news? ALL of this is available on Anything Academic’s website! Start your search today and avoid the wasted time spent trying to find everything in different places.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to ask for help from family and friends. They may not know everything about homeschooling, but they can still be a great resource. Family and friends can help you out by watching your children while you work on preparation or even helping with lesson plans.

Don’t judge yourself

Don’t be too hard on yourself! Just be you! Your child loves you and knows you are doing your best as their leader. Relax, connect with them, and enjoy your time together learning! Taking breaks is a good idea when you are feeling tired or mentally stressed. Get outside, take a stroll, read a book, or do whatever you need to unwind. This will decrease the chances of you feeling overwhelmed.

This goes for your child as well. If they seem stressed, take a break and let them relax. This will dramatically increase productivity when you return to your homeschool schedule.

Prioritize and then prioritize again!

One of the most important things to remember when homeschooling is to prioritize. This means that you need to figure out what is most important and focus on that. Sometimes you will have to make tough decisions about which subjects you are going to spend more time on and which can be done a little less. Just remember, it is more important to focus on your child’s education than it is to stick to a rigid schedule.

Plan for the next day and prioritize your tasks so you can be ready to dive into an important task first thing in the morning. If there is a shorter list of personal tasks that don’t need as much attention, do those while your child does their homework!

Final thoughts

Balancing a homeschool schedule can be challenging but is so rewarding! Just remember it is important to find a routine that works for you and your family. Remember: You are doing the best you can, we know it and so should you! Take pride in what you are doing and work on developing new routines and habits that take a little of the stress off. By following these tips, you will be able to maintain  a happy, healthy balance while homeschooling

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