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Education Requirements For Attaining a Utah Teacher License

Below are the steps you must take in order to start your career as a Utah teacher:

  • Bachelor’s degree; there are no undergraduate credit hour requirements here
  • Completion of a teacher education program within the state
  • Completion of the Praxis academic tests
  • Background check and fingerprinting support
  • Copies of transcripts surrounding your education

Tests to Complete

  • Praxis I basic skills test
  • Praxis II core area test

Requirements For Upgrading Your Utah Teacher License To Level 2

  • Completion of the Early Years Enhancement program
  • 100 learning renewal points during the three years you hold your Level 1 license

Requirements For Renewing a Level 2 License

  • 200 learning renewal points during the five-year term of your license

Who Provides Licensing In Utah?

The Utah State Board of Education provides licensing support for people interested in becoming teachers in Utah.

Three License Types

Utah provides three licenses to teachers:

  1. Level 1

The Level 1 license is the most basic one you can attain. You will earn your license after completing the training and exams necessary to teach in the state.

  • Level 2

The Level 2 license is for people who complete the Entry Years Enhancement program in the first three years of study. You must finish the EYE program during the three years you hold your Level 1 license.

  • Level 3

A Level 3 license is for those who have doctorate degrees in education. People with endorsements from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards will also be eligible to receive one of these licenses.

Education Requirements

All teachers in Utah must have a bachelor’s degree or higher. The state does not require teachers to have any specific amounts of undergraduate credit hours in their content fields. But it is recommended you have substantial education in whatever subject you wish to support.

The state also requires the completion of a teacher education program. The program requires ten or more weeks of student teaching. You will be observed by a teacher who will review your work and identify what you need to improve. You will learn about how to establish lesson plans and interact with students. Assessment reports are also covered in your work, as you can learn about how to review and grade students based on their general performances.

Moving To a Level 2 License

You will attain a Level 1 license at the start. The credential will last for three years, during which time you must complete the state’s Entry Years Enhancement program. The program entails further study in the field of education and how well you may handle the needs students hold. You must also complete the EYE program and receive a letter of recommendation from the state to move forward to attain your Level 2 license.

Tests To Complete

All prospective teachers in Utah must complete the Praxis exams. The Praxis I core skills test is a general exam surrounding reading, writing, and math.

The Praxis II exam is a subject assessment test. The test will involve a specific endorsement area you will complete. The state supports multiple assessments surrounding English, reading, social and physical sciences, and health. There are also separate grade levels for most of these subjects, but a few will focus on K-12 endorsements. The Praxis website provides full details on all the tests available for prospective teachers in the state to complete, plus details on the grades you require for each test.

Other Points For Applying

Your application to the state must also include the transcripts from all your schools and a background check you will conduct with the state. The check will include a fingerprint review.

All prospective educators must also agree to the ethics code supported by the state. The ethics code entails rules surrounding teaching behavior and etiquette, plus the standards the teacher must follow when handling educational effort. The work is about providing a general sense of trust for handling educational plans within the state.

Renewing Your License

Your Level 1 license will be valid for three years. In addition to completing the EYE program, you must also complete 100 learning renewal points before renewing your credential and becoming eligible to receive a Level 2 license.

You can renew a Level 2 license by completing 200 learning renewal points during the five-year period for your license.

Your license will expire on June 30 of the year when it ends.

You can also complete college courses through a university in the state to meet your goal. Each semester credit hour you attain is good for eighteen renewal points.

You could also complete staff development classes to earn your renewal points. Futhermore, each clock hour of participation is good for one renewal point. You cannot spend more than twenty-five points for each activity.

Additionally, the state education department can help you facilitate the renewal process. The department will analyze your data after submission to confirm your work.

Seminary Teaching Opportunities

As the home of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, there are multiple seminary teaching opportunities available throughout Utah. The education and training requirements for teaching at a school associated with the LDS Church are consistent with what secular schools in Utah require. But there will be a few additional requirements to review surrounding your work:

  • You must complete seminary teaching studies supported by the LDS Church. Much of the work focuses on managing religious education efforts.
  • You must be an active member of the LDS Church.
  • The LDS Church also has strong ethical considerations surrounding its prospective members. The Church may request multiple interviews with you to review your efforts in teaching and to determine if you are worthy of being a teacher in the state.

Resources – Utah State Board of Education licensing standards – Utah EYE teacher improvement program – Standards for educator ethics in Utah – Details on renewing a license in Utah – LDS Church seminary teaching opportunities

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